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2025 Makeup predictions and what I’m actually excited about!

Writer's picture: Alev MillerAlev Miller

Hello and *whispers* happy new year
Hello and *whispers* happy new year

The start of a new year means the beauty world explodes with trend predictions. As always there is a ton of useless information and pushy ads telling us we need to be better 🙄 but I digress, I’m here to tell you about the shit that excites me and I think you’ll love too!  Let’s dig into individuality, creativity, and, of course, my eternal love for black eyeliner.

2025: The year of no nonsense

The one look fits all thing is behind us (or at least I’m hoping it is) beauty should feel personal, not prescriptive. 2025 feels like the year we finally let go of the rulebook and do what actually works for us. Here’s what I’m hoping to see more of (and what I’ll definitely be championing):

  • Skin that looks like skin: Makeup that works with your skin, not sitting on top of it. Think glowy, satin or semi matte finishes, visible freckles, and no unnecessary layering

  • Underpinning: the realisation that most makeup has coverage so adding too many layers can be really build up.

  • Playful details: A bold liner, a random pop of colour, or something that feels totally unplanned but completely you. Less thinking, more doing.

  • Drop the beauty guilt: Yes, sustainable practices and multi-use products are great. But also, don’t beat yourself up if your routine isn’t perfect. Effort is enough.

  • Your face, your rules: Forget chasing someone else’s beauty standard. The best makeup trend is feeling good in your own skin and doing whatever makes you happy

  • Orgnaising more and buying less: if you’re anything like me your stash is always a mess but this year I’m trying to build my stash into a collection that feels like I’m shopping my own collection - watch this space for more on this!

here's to leaving the rules in 2024
here's to leaving the rules in 2024

Black eyeliner: a 20 year love affair

The Golden Globes just happened - even as some who doesn’t keep up with celebrity culture even I couldn’t escape it. I do love the hair, makeup and outfit even if I don’t know who most people are.

My biggest observation was this - black eyeliner EVERYWHERE and on everyone, all skins tones and eye-shapes. As someone who’s been in a 20 year love affair with black liner this makes me so happy. There is a style of liner for everyone. Black eyeliner is my old reliable. It’s moody, it’s classic, and it can transform your whole look with one swipe. Whether it’s a sharp flick, a smudgy mess, or something graphic, black eyeliner has been there for me through everything: questionable teenage phases, early mornings, and even moments where I just needed to feel like myself again.

In terms of the right shape for you - if you struggle with this please let me know and I’ll do my best to give you hand. I might hold mini online session on doing your own black liner. Let me know if this would appeal to you!

Skincare over skin coverage

It wasn’t so long ago that our skincare routines were wipes at best! I still meet people who don’t have a skincare routine but with the amount of products available now - I don’t blame you at all! It’s overwhelming and confusing. That said I do see more people getting into skincare which I love. As a makeup artist it’s almost impossible to create looks on skin that isn’t cared for because makeup products just don’t play well with dry skin or skin with barrier issues. Invest in your skincare. Treat it as a part of your evening routine, your chance to wind down and take off the day. If you can’t see a difference within a week of cleansing and moisturising - well I’d be pretty darn shocked. And to really break it down more skincare equals less makeup.

you'll need a little more skincare than this
you'll need a little more skincare than this

What I’m excited about this year

For me, 2025 is about making makeup feel fun again. Here’s what I’m looking forward to:

  • Trying more creative eye looks because why not experiment?

  • Connecting with clients who want makeup that feels personal, not like a mask.

  • Spending more time reminding everyone that makeup should be about feeling good, not meeting some imaginary standard.

And that’s it for now!

I've banged on enough tell me about you. Are you sticking with your trusted staples, trying something new, or maybe just figuring it out as you go? Let me know I’d love to hear what you’re excited about this year. And if you can’t be arsed to do anything other than survive i salute you.

Love always

A x

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